The Responses...

So... The responses we've received since telling people we are moving are as varied as colours in the rainbow. They range from excitement to sadness... Envy to shock... My favourite response thus far was from my sweet dental hygenist: "You're moving to SPAIN?! But that's a totally different COUNTRY! I'm SO SORRY! You must be so upset!" I think telling her how ecstatic I am, is what officially blew her mind. Her normally chatty self was silent the rest of the cleaning.

When we first heard Spain was a possibility, we were also presented with the option of moving to San Diego and could choose between the two. The knee-jerk response was to choose San Diego--It would be an easy move, we would be on the West Coast (fairly) close to family and friends, and we both love the city... Luckily, we quickly realized a knee-jerk response is a boring one and shifted our focus to Madrid. We always talk about how when we are 80 years old, we don't want to regret any missed opportunities... Turning this down would have been just such a regret! San Diego would have been safe and easy, but Madrid will be a challenge of the best kind... One that will teach us, refine us, bring joy and frustration, and most importantly--bring us even closer as a little family...




About Me

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An American girl living in Spain...
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